Post 1: a book series you wish would just end already

23 Dec

Thanks again to Blogs of a Bookaholic for creating this challenge

Day one and I can’t quite remember how this blogging thing goes… Hopefully after spouting inane stuffage for a few posts, it’ll get better… Hopefully.

Anyway! Prompt the First

Write about a book series you wish would just end already

Most of the book series that I’ve read finish at the right place. Closing the final volume of the series feels as though I’ve just undergone a rite of passage: it’s a beautiful and often memorable event- I can remember the exact moment I finished many series that I read a decade ago!

Maybe I should get out more.

Nonetheless, there is one book series that should have ended one book sooner than it did: the Sweep Series (also known as the Wicca Series if you’re in the UK like me) by Cate Tiernan. This series was really popular amongst my peers when I was 14 or so, no mean feat when you consider that Harry Potter was seen as ‘The Series about magic’ to read.

I got so fed up with waiting to borrow the last six books in the series that I bought them with my pitiful earnings from helping out at the local riding stable one day a week.

The series follows the life of Morgan Rowlands, who starts out as your average slightly geeky, straight-A student with a calm, loving family life that would turn most people green with envy. Then a really hot, popular guy moves to town and introduces her and her circle of friends to magick. One thing leads to another and her world gets blown apart (and eventually put back together) by the powers of magick, love and friendship.

Wicca/ Sweep was enjoyable and didn’t fall into the YA trap of putting too much emphasis on a love triangle (they’re short books and had an interesting sort of twist to them, which made it better than it could have been). Book 14 ended on a high point- the point where anyone who’d enjoyed the series could have let go, sat back and said, “That was fun, I wonder what else Tiernan’s written?”.

Then book 15 was published.

In fairness, it didn’t turn into one of those series that keeps stretching out a yarn until it becomes ridiculous. Nonetheless the different style of narration and different main character jarred with the tone of the rest of the books.

Overall it could have been worse, but it was still a major let-down at the time. So much so that this series jumped to my mind when I read that question.

Conversely, if the series had progressed at a slower speed and not jumped two decades between books 14 and 15, I’m pretty darn certain that this post would’ve been entitled, “A book series you wish had gone on longer”.

La donna è mobile and all that jazz. 😛


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4 responses to “Post 1: a book series you wish would just end already

  1. beckyday6

    December 23, 2013 at 15:58

    The Wicca series still remains one of my all time favourite book series! They really transported me to another world and have so much nostalgia attached to them. I still own the books now. 🙂 I do also kind of agree with your thoughts about the last book, it was very different to the rest of the series and while I still enjoyed it the story line didn’t sit right with me in a couple of places.

    • wildnightin

      December 24, 2013 at 21:31

      That series was truly wonderful! I should buy the rest of the series at some point. 😀

      Have you read anything else by Tiernan? I never got around to reading anything else she wrote, but am up for recommendations. 🙂

      • beckyday6

        December 26, 2013 at 22:50

        I read the first book in her Balefire series and wasn’t that impressed, it was also about Wicca and I remember there being identical twins in it. I still intend to go back and try them again at some point. I’m not sure I gave the book my full attention the first time round because I picked it up just after finishing Wicca and was still buzzing about that. I would like to try it again. 🙂 I also have the first two books from her Immortal Beloved trilogy but haven’t read either yet, I’m a bit nervous too after loving her original series so much! I’m determined to get round to them but I have so many books to read at the moment that it may be a while. :S

      • wildnightin

        January 2, 2014 at 03:07

        Yes, it can be so tough to get into a different series after enjoying another one so much. If I see the first book in the Immortal Beloved trilogy I’ll try it and get back to you.

        TBR piles are the best, except when you realise that one lifetime probably won’t be enough to get through all of the books you want to read. 😦 Any that you’re especially determined to read this year?


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